HRI Supports the Wadsworth Center Master of Science in Laboratory Sciences Program

In September 2012, with support from Health Research, Inc., the New York State Department of Health’s Wadsworth Center launched a new cross-disciplinary Master of Science in Laboratory Science (MLS) program.  Designed to train the next generation of public health laboratory managers, the MLS program is a two-year, intensive program of study combining lecture-based learning with an extensive amount of direct laboratory training. Program graduates are proficient in conducting laboratory analyses with cutting-edge tools and technology, investigating complex public health questions, and responding to everyday challenges in public health.

Health Research, Inc. has supported the MLS program since its inception by administering the annual Dr. John W. Fenton II Fellowship and additional merit-based student scholarships. The fourth class of the MLS program graduated in August of 2017, after successfully completing capstone projects that developed or validated new screening, diagnostic or confirmatory tests for clinical specimen analysis.  Learn more about the graduates’ work and achievements in Wadsworth News: “2017 Graduates on a Mission.”

Graduation ceremony for the 2017 class of the Wadsworth Center Masters of Science in Laboratory Sciences (NYSDOH Dickerman Library; August 16, 2017).